...to the websites of the Chair of Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo and her team. This chair is dedicated to the study of sex/gender in STEM and related fields. The working group is part of the Department of Computer Science at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Freiburg.

Together we examine the role sex/gender plays as a research variable of interest in the different fields of STEM. Combining research outcomes from gender studies with scientific and technical experimentation, we explore, for instance...
- the social conditions and consequences of technological research for women and men,
- if women and men use technology in a different way,
- the role gender studies plays in ecology and sustainability research,
- the function of "sex" in biological research,
- how sex/gender differences are quantitatively measured in the different research areas of STEM,
- the way research questions on sex/gender are operationalised and implemented in medicine,
- which scientific methods are used to show sex/gender diversity or sex/gender similarities,
- sex/gender-related cognitive biases within coding and algorithms,
- the effects of gender stereotype threat in the brain, measured with fMRI,
- the impact of task specifity and threshold measures when comparing hemispheric language lateralisation in the brains of women and men,
- how "intersectionality" can be integrated into the debate of sex/gender in STEM,
- what gender equality means for STEM and how it can become true,
- the pitfalls and benefits of interdisciplinary research along the dimensions of science/technology and social science/humanities.
Gender Studies in MINT
Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo
Department of Computer Science
Georges-Köhler-Allee 079
79110 Freiburg