Gender Studies in MINT


Upcoming events

Nov 7-8th 2024 | 16h | Invited Talk entitled "Sex Difference in the Brain" to "Diversity in Neuroscience" by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at Colloquium, Humboldt University Berlin.

October 8th 2024 | 12h | Invited Talk entitled “From Sex/Gender Differences to Diversity in Neuroscience" by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at Lecture Series Gender & Science, ETH ZĂŒrich, Switzerland.

July 22th 2024 | 16h | Invited Talk entitled "Sex/Gender of the Brain: What about Intersectionality and Diversity?" by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at CHEMIE, NĂŒrnberg/Erlangen, Germany. More info ... here

July 10th 2024 | 14h | Invited Talk entitled "AI in the Neuroscience of Sex/Gender” by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at Lectures Series EinfĂŒhrung in die Geschlechtersoziologie (Dr. Hannah Fitsch), University of Potsdam, Germany.

June 25th 2024 | Invited online Talk on " Una sola vida, mĂșltiples inteligencias. Acerca de ‘Metamorfosis de la Inteligencia. Del coeficiente intelectual a la inteligencia artificial’ de Catherine Malabou by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at Seminario Hibridaciones, Centro Ciencia y Pensamiento y Ediciones La Cebra, UNSAM, Argentina. More info ... here

Past events

June 14th 2024 | Input entitled “Specific neurolinguistic patterns in self-defined sex/gender groups: a contribution to measuring diversity in fMRI language research?” by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at G-versity Conference Gender Diversity Across Europe – Devising Solutions from Interdisciplinary & Intersectoral Perspectives, University of Bern, Switzerland.

May 31th 2024 | 13h | Input (online) entitled “Sexo/GĂ©nero en el Cerebro y en la Neurociencia: Intercambioando Conocimientos” by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at Seminario Inaugural 2024 Del Grupo CTI (Grupo de GĂ©nero en Ciencia, TecnologĂ­a e InnovaciĂłn), Chile, MĂ©xico, Argentina, entre otros. More info ... here

May 15th 2024 | 16h | Invited online Talk entitled "Titel: “Von Gender Studies in STEM zu Sex/Gender im Gehirn" by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at Fraunhofer-Institut fĂŒr Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik, Oberhausen, Germany.

May 11th 2024 | Invited online Talk entitled "Gender-Gerechtigkeit und Sensibilisierung: Ein-sichten aus der kritischen Sex/Gender Neurowissenschaft" by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at Fachschaftstagung Medizin 2024: Können wir Medizin gerechter machen?, Studienstiftung Cusanuswerk, Heidelberg, Germany.

April 23th 2024 | Invited online Talk entitled "Feminismo y estudios de género europeo en la actualidad: ejemplo en las disciplinas STEM" by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at Jornadas. De Fundamentos Y Aplicaciones de la Interdisciplina, UBA, CONICET, Buenos Aires, More info ... here

February 27th 2024 | 9h | Invited Talk entitled "Sex/Gender of the Brain: What about Intersectionality and Diversity?" by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at IUPAC Global Women's Breakfast 2024. Catalyzing Diversity in Science, Chemistry journals published by Wiley-VCH, Wiley-VCH Berlin. More info ... here. Summary: here

December 6th 2023 | 12h | Invited Talk entitled "DiversitÀt in der Hirnforschung" by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at Lunch Talk Digital "Diversity in Subject Matter/s", University of Heidelberg. More info ... here

November 10th 2023 | 14.15h | Invited Talk entitled "Wie lĂ€sst sich DiversitĂ€t methodisch-naturwissenschaftlich umsetzen?" by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at Seminar fĂŒr Kulturwissenschaften und Wissenschaftsforschung, University of Luzern. More info ... here

November 8th 2023 | 5PM | Invited online-participation at "Intersectionality Research Salon" entitled "What We Talked and Debated About Intersectionality and Gender/Sex at the Forum (Frankfurt, Germany, October 2024)" , Intersectionality Training Institute, Philadelphia, PA. More info ... here

October 20th 2023 | Talk entitled "Sexo/GĂ©nero en el cerebro y en la neurociencia” by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at IX Encuentro anual de la Red de Investigadores Chilenos en Suiza (ICES): “Fortaleciendo los nexos de conocimientos cientĂ­ficos entre Chile-Suiza, LatinoamĂ©rica y el mundo”, University of Lausanne. More info ... here

October 8th-13th 2023 | Co-Chair Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at Ernst StrĂŒngmann Forum "Sex and Gender: Transforming Scientific Practice", Frankfurt am Main. More info ... here

September 26th 2023 | 10h | Invited Talk by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at Retreat for Young Scientists (Research Unit FOR5159) "Resolving prefrontal flexibility", IMBIT, University of Freiburg. More info ... here

September 16th 2023 | Talk entitled “Sexo/gĂ©nero en el cerebro y en la neurociencia" by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at XIV Congreso Iberoamericano CIENCIA TECNOLOGÍA Y GÉNERO, Instituto de FilosofĂ­a del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas, Madrid. More info ... here

September 5th 2023 | 18h | Talk entitled “Von der Geschlechterdifferenzforschung zum non-binĂ€ren Gender: Wie die Hirnforschung "Geschlecht" untersucht" by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at Klinik SchĂŒtzenÂŽs Lecture Series "IdentitĂ€t", Rheinfelden, Switzerland. More info ... here

August 14th 2023 | 15h | Talk and Workshop entitled “Neurosexismus und der Mythos vom weiblichen Gehirn" by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at Ferienakademie Cusanuswerk „Das Gehirn und seine WIRKlichkeit“, Haltern.

July 3th 2023 | 10h | Talk entitled “Zwischen Geschlechterdifferenzen zum non-binĂ€ren Geschlecht: Wie sich die Experimente zum Thema Geschlecht in der Neurowissenschaft wandeln" by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at Hybrid Lab, Studiengang Theorie und Geschichte der Wissenschaft und Technik, TU Berlin. More info (in Spanish)... here

June 1st 2023 | 10h | Workshop entitled “De los estudios de sexo/gĂ©nero en STEM a la igualdad de sexo/gĂ©nero en STEM: un ejemplo de la neurociencia" by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at Universidad AutĂłnoma de Chile, Santiago, Chile. More info (in Spanish)... here

May 31th 2023 | 14:30h | Invited talk entitled “Entre las diferencias de sexo y gĂ©nero no binario: perspectivas de la investigaciĂłn cerebral" by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at Universidad de ValparaĂ­so, Chile. More info (in Spanish)... here

May, 17th 2023 | 17:00 - 19:00h | Invited talk at Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas (SADAF-CONICET) entitled "Materialidad y materia: El sexo/género cerebral entre las ciencias sociales y naturales" by prof. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo. More info (in Spanish)... here

May 16th 2023 | 12:00h | Invited talk entitled “Sexo/gĂ©nero en el cerebro y sexualidad en la neurociencia” by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at Escuela Interdisciplinaria de Altos Estudios Sociales and DirecciĂłn de GĂ©nero y Diversidad Sexual, Universidad San MartĂ­n, Buenos Aires. More info (in Spanish)... here

April 20th 2023 | 10:00 - 13:00h | Invited talk at University St. Gallen entitled "From sex/gender differences to sex/gender identity in the brain" by prof. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo

March, 29th 2023 | 20p.m. | Invited lecture by Prof. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo titled "Zwischen “sex differences” und “non-binary gender”: Einsichten aus der Hirnforschung" At GEИDER SALOИ, Soziologie und Gender Studies, LMU MĂŒnchen

November, 8th 2022 | 12-14 p.m. | Invited lecture by Prof. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo entitled "Sex/Gender in the Brain: Critical Notes on fMRI Studies" . Gender & Science Lecture Series, ETH ZĂŒrich (Switzerland). More infos ... here

September, 14th 2022 | 18:00 - 20:00 | Invited talk at the MAd Land Annual Meeting in the Black Forest entitled From Gender Studies in STEM to Gender Equality in STEM by prof. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo. More infos ... here

September 2022 | Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna (Austria). Prof. Anelis Kaiser TrujilloÂŽs research stay: The Use of the IAT in TodayÂŽs Latinamerican Psychology and Neuroscience: A Decolonial Perspective. More infos ... here

June 19th - 24th 2022 | Prof. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo, Valerie Ambrosi and Elena Abalos MarcoÂŽs poster presentation at OHBM Annual Meeting in Glasgow, UK. More infos.... here

May 19th 2022 | Prof. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo co-organizes the hybrid Public Lecture entitled Feminist approaches to science and medicine: what are they and why do they matter? by Prof. em. Dr. Anne Fausto-Sterling. More infos ... here

January 19th 2022 | 12:15 p.m. | Prof. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo co-organizes the online lecture entitled Rethinking sex, brain and gender: Beyond the binary by Prof. Daphna Joel. More infos ... here

November 30th 2021 | 18:00 - 20:00 p.m. | Lecture entitled Gender in Neuroscience by Prof. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at Lecture Series "Science in Perspective". ETH ZĂŒrich, Switzerland. More infos ... here

October 1st-2nd 2021 | Prof. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo co-organizes the workshop Critical Life Sciences: Responsibilities, Reflections and the Political under Conditions of >>Post-Truth<<. More infos (in English) ... here.

September 15th 2021 | 19:00 p.m. | Panel discussion - "Picture a Scientist" with Prof. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo and others. More infos... here.

February 10th 2021 | 15:00 p.m.- 16:30 p.m. | Panel discussion - Closing the Gender Gap in STEM with Prof. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo and others. More infos... here.

February 23rd 2021 | 19:00 p.m. | FeminisTTisch Panel discussion on "Gender Data Gap" with Prof. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo, Boris Quednow and others. Zur Anmeldung

March 3rd 2021 | 15:00 p.m. | Projekt FEM Power, Leibniz-Institut fĂŒr Neurobiologie. Lecture entitled From the "Female vs. Male"-Brain to the Human Brain Continuum by Prof. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo.

May 11th 2021 | Panel discussion "Auf dem Weg zur Geschlechtergleichstellung? Weiblich und mĂ€nnlich in Life Science, Recht und Medizin" (with Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo, Prof. Dr. CathĂ©rine Gebhard, Prof. Dr. Sandra Hotz and Prof. Dr. Beatrice Beck Schimmer) at Lecture Series entitled «Ebenso neu als kĂŒhn» – 50 Jahre Frauenstimmrecht in der Schweiz. More infos... here

October 20th 2020 | University of Basel, Switzerland. Lecture entitled Geschlecht in der Hirnforschung TransBrain – Wie die Neurowissenschaften das Thema Trans* untersuchen by Prof. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at Lecture Series "Geschlechterforschung und Naturwissenschaften: Austausch statt Kontroverse", Institute of Gender Studies. More infos
(in German) ... here

April 21st 2020 | MPI for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany. Lecture entitled Quo vadis "Neurofeminism"? by Prof. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at Brain, Mind & Behavior – Situating Neuroscience Research in the Max Planck Society in its International Context, 1948-2005.

March 02-06th 2020 | Lorentz Center, Leiden, the Netherlands. Prof. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo Co-organizes the International workshop Intersectional Analysis of the Sexed/Gendered Brain. More infos (in English) ... here.

January 28th 2020 | 16:00 p.m. - 18:00 p.m. | GebĂ€ude KG I, HS 1015, University of Freiburg. Lecture entitled "gendered robotics" by Dr. Mercedes KĂŒffner at the interdisciplinary lecture series "Themenfelder der Anthropologie". More infos (in German)... here

January 24th 2020 | 10:00 a.m. - 17:00 p.m. | ZIFG, Room MAR 2.071, TU Berlin, Germany. Workshop on the Book entitled "Molecular Feminisms" by Prof. Dr. Deboleena Roy. Co-organisation of Prof. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo together with Dr. Hannah Fitsch. More infos (in English)...here

January 07th 2020 | time: tba | Centro de InvestigaciĂłn en Sociedad TecnolĂłgica y Futuro Humano | Universidad Mayor, Santiago de Chile. Lecture entitled "La Neurociencia CrĂ­ticia: ÂżAporte a una TransformaciĂłn Social Desde el Laboratorio?" by Prof. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo.

November 26th 2019 | 12:00 a.m. - 13:30 p.m. | Departement Soziale Arbeit, Hallerstrasse 8, Raum 136, 1. OG, Fachhochschule Bern, Switzerland. Lecture entitled "Gibt es das Frauen- oder das MĂ€nnerhirn? Erkenntnisse aus den Neurowissenschaften" by Prof. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at "Mittagsreferat" / Weiterbildung. More infos (in German)... here

September 20th 2019 | Konstanz, Germany. Lecture entitled "Think Outside The Box: Sex/Gender Simmilarities in the Brain" by Prof. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at the Retreat of Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine (SGBM).

July 05th 2019 | Faculty of Engineering, University of Freiburg. Talk entitled "O Sister, Where art Thou?", by Prof. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo together with Prof. Dr. Christian Schindelhauer at the Annual Award Ceremony.

June 21st 2019 | AI-Streetart-Tram, Freiburg. | 16:30 p.m. - 17:30 p.m. | Conversation / dialogue / discussion between citzens and scientists about current technical status and societal aspects of AI. Topic entitled "Gender in the context of AI research and application" - by Dr. Mercedes KĂŒffner.

June, 17-18-19th 2019 | Radboud University Nijmegen. Transdisciplinary conference: Bias in AI and Neuroscience. Talk entitled "Intervening in the Engineering of the Brain – Methodological Questions from a Feminist Neuroscience Perspective" - by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo.

June 09-13th 2019 | Rome, Italy. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Annual Meeting. Diversity Round Table entitled "Using Insights from Social Psychology and Neuroscience to Address Gender Bias" - by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo, Lucina Uddin and Sarah Genon.

May 20th 2019 | Freie UniversitÀt Berlin, Dahlem | 16:00 p.m. - 18:00 p.m. | Hörsaal A, Arnimallee 22 (B 004). Presentation at Lecture Series entitled "Gender und Diversity in der neurowissenschaftlichen Forschung: Eine Methodenfrage?" - by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo.
  • More infos (in German)...

  • January 29th 2019 | 16:00 p.m. - 18:00 p.m. | GebĂ€ude KG I, HS 1015, University of Freiburg. Lecture entitled "Just another sex difference in the brain..." - Eine interdisziplinĂ€re Perspektive auf neurowissenschaftliche Experimente zum Thema Geschlecht by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at the interdisciplinary lecture series "Themenfelder der Anthropologie".
  • More infos (in German)...

  • January 14th 2019 | 13:15 p.m. - 14:45 p.m. | GebĂ€ude 40B, Raum 238, Otto-von-Guericke-UniversitĂ€t Magdeburg. Talk entitled "Perspektiven und Potentiale der empirischen, neurofeministischen Genderforschung" by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo in the interdisciplinary lecture series "Geschlechterforschung in den MINT - und Humanwissenschaften".
  • More infos (in German)...

  • November 26th 2018 | 10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. | Heitere Fahne, Bern. Talk entitled "Frauen sind begabt im Multitasking, MĂ€nner können sich gut orientieren – und das liegt, so sagen viele, an ihren Gehirnen. Aber: Gibt es das «weibliche» und das «mĂ€nnliche» Gehirn tatsĂ€chlich?" by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo at the GenderBazaar.
  • More infos + registration (in German)...

  • October 10th 2018 | Zentrum Gender Studies, UniversitĂ€t Basel. Presentation entitled "EinfĂŒhrung in die Geschlechterforschung" by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo.

    August 2nd 2018 | Joint Presentation (in German) from Dr. Hannah Fitsch (Technische UniversitĂ€t Berlin, Verbundprojekt DiGiTal) and Dr. Mercedes KĂŒffner at the Coference Day of the Summer University informatica feminale Baden-WĂŒrttemberg 2018. Title: Zur Rolle von Algorithmen und der Metapher des Maschinellen Lernens in der KI-Forschung.

    July 19th 2018 | Liefmannhaus, Goethestr. 33, University of Freiburg. Talk by Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo entitled (Un-)Möglichkeiten der empirischen Genderforschung in den Neurowissenschaften at Workshop by joint research project Gendering MINT Digital.

    June 19th 2018 | Department of Computer Science, Georges-Köhler-Allee 101, SR 01 016, University of Freiburg. Lecture in German as part of the 'Lecture Series Gender in Technology, Science and Medicine' by Dr. med. David GarcĂ­a Nuñez (Head of Division 'Gender Variance' - University Hospital Basel). Title: Unterwegs zum Regenbogen - Vom Transsexualismus ĂŒber die Geschlechtsdysphorie zur Geschlechtervarianz.

    June 14th 2018 | Interdisciplinary Anthropology, HS2121, University of Freiburg. Lecture including panel session by invited speaker Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo entitled Gender studies und MINT am Beispiel der Neurowissenschaften. Organized by Interdisciplinary Anthropology.

    June 12th 2018 | Gender Studies, Room MAR 2.013, TU Berlin. Lecture by invited speaker Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser entitled Neurowissenschaftliche Gender-Forschung zwischen den MINT-Disziplinen: Was ist möglich, was nicht. - in the framework of public lecture series "Politiken der Artefakte und des Wissens - TransdisziplinÀre Geschlechterforschung zu MINT und Planung"